Intro: Video begins with a fast paced montage pictures from riots and strikes in London
First Verse: The video carries on to show the female lead singer using spray paint. The reason behind that is to show that she is going against the flow of the zombified and watched society. This also displays how she is preventing the government from spying on people through CCTV cameras. The lead then notices two men in the same location that seem like they don't fit in just like her, thus this gives her an incentive to reach the men.
Chorus: Throughout the chorus the female lead is pushing though the crowd trying to get to the men. She fails to do so and the men disappear in the crowd. Unable to locate them the lead female decides to leave
Second Verse: We cut to the lead next to a graffiti wall where she finds the logo of the two masked men. The logo seems incomplete so she adds a couple of lines completing it. Then the lead takes a photo. We cut to her home where she has already assembled a load of photos of the logo from different locations. She pins the photos to a map which lets her pinpoint the location and she ends up at another party.
Chorus: The party at which she ends up at is filled with people dancing with glow sticks, dressed in colorful clothing, misfits like her. She looks for the masked men in the crowd because wherever they go color is left behind, but the lead fails to find them.
Bridge: The lead female leaves the party and we follow her as she walks trough the street and stumbles upon glow sticks on the ground. She follows the trail of them hoping to find the two men. The glow sticks lead her to the first location where she saw the masked men.
Chorus: In the first location everything is different, a color revolution is happening, change is happening and people are celebrating. The masked men approach her and we see fireworks in the background